5、"If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale and gave all my money to the poor, would I get into heaven?" I asked the children in my Sunday school class.
"No!" the children all answered.
"If I cleaned the church everyda
6、Mrs. Flinders decided to have her portrait painted. She told the artist, "Paint me with diamond earrings, a diamond necklace, emerald bracelets and a ruby pendant."
"But you're not wearing any of those things."
"I know
7、What Are The Two Words?A very nice old lady had a few words to say to her granddaughter.“My dear,” said the old lady,“I wish you would do something for me.I wish you would promise me never to use two words.One is‘lousy’and the other is‘swell’.Would you pr
8、he first tomato has no answer, the second tomato asked again. The tomato has no answer, so the second tomato asked again. The first tomato finally turned slowly, said: "we are not tomatoes? We can talk?"
两颗番茄去逛街,第一颗番茄突然走得很快,第二颗番茄就问:“我们要去哪里?” 第一
9、The Same DutiesA retired four-star general ran into his former orderly, also retired, in a Manhattan bar and spent the rest of the evening persuading him to come work for him as his valet. "Your duties will be exactly the same as they were in the arm
10、已经不是第一次这样干了!和哥们儿在ATM上取钱,旁边一妹子在另一台ATM上取钱。哥们儿问:取多少?我大声答:取300 然后默默的在键盘上输了400。钱出来后,装模作样的数了一遍,然后把钱摊开给哥们儿看,很大声的说:又多了100。哥们儿假装很惊讶:不会吧?怎么每次在这台机子上取钱都会多100?然后离开,在远处偷偷的看着妹子。果不其然,妹子换了台ATM取钱!